Church History 2,000 Years Charts

Church History 2,000 Years Charts

Updated August 3, 2024 by Jose Oscar Salinas (UCJ)

These charts confirm who is causing WWIII and show that the only way to understand if Daniel's or John's prophecies have come to pass is by comparing them with history. This comparison will bring everything together without any miss understandings.

Jose’s chart, approximately seven feet tall and three feet wide, shows that five of the seven seals have already begun. The remaining two seals will start after the third temple is built in the middle of the last seven years. But don’t worry God has commanded His Angels to Passover the Godly, like the days of Moses plaques. Additionally, the mark of the beast (laws of the kingdom) started during the Roman Beast-Kingdom (Revelation 13).

By supporting my ministry or becoming a chart member, you can access the entire details. I am diligently working to complete my chart and publish my upcoming book, a project I have been dedicated to for the past seven years.