Author Archive

A real Teacher sounds the alarm when he sees the enemy within our assemblies and blows the Trumpet on those who will attack Jerusalem, yet God will protect them during Jacob’s trouble. A false teacher is planted in our churches by the enemy, who teaches enough to satisfy our thirst for God, yet he takes our money and will run like a coward when he sees trouble. By Jose S. 4-9-22
My goal is to strengthen the Church by first stopping division among our brethren. And by exposing those who are causing it, realizing some un-intentionally, while others purposely. Then unite the Jewish people before they build the Third Temple. God said he’s going to save the righteous before the wrath of God and punish the ungodly and those who hinder the truth. This happened during the first & second temple period, and He’s going to do it again. Read the story of Ezekiel 9. Subscribe for updates, special events, and please note, I’m still adding material to the website, and may the LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and His Son Jesus, bless you in a might way for helping me. Thank you for your prayer, and donations to continue my research, plus complete re-arranging the Bible back to its chronological order so you can read it like a history book.