The Third Temple

Sanhedrin Calls on Arabs to Take Their Role in Third Temple as Prophesized by Isaiah By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz March 19, 2018 , 1:00 pm posted on BREAKINGISRAELNEWS The nascent Sanhedrin, a Biblically mandated court of 71 elders, released a letter in Hebrew, English and Arabic inviting the Arabs as the sons of Ishmael to take their role in supporting the Third Temple as prophesied by Isaiah. This move is far more than symbolic. It is intended to bring the entire world one step closer to the global peace that will characterize the Messianic era.
The letter reads:
“Dear brothers, the distinguished Sons of Ishmael, The great Arab nation, “With the gracious help of the protector and Savior of Israel, Creator of the world by covenant, we declare that the footsteps of Messiah are evidently heard and that the time has come to rebuild the Temple on Mount Moriah in Jerusalem in its ancient place.” “We, the Jews who advocate building of the Temple, are applying to your Honorable ones, who were nominated by their peoples to give oath, raise vows and gifts to the Temple as prophesied by prophet Isaiah concerning your essential role and honorable position in keeping the Temple and supporting it with lamb sacrifices and incense in order to receive God’s Blessings.” Raise your eyes and look about: They have all gathered and come to you. Your sons shall be brought from afar, Your daughters like babes on shoulders. As you behold, you will glow; Your heart will throb and thrill— For the wealth of the sea shall pass on to you, The riches of nations shall flow to you. Dust clouds of camels shall cover you, Dromedaries of Midian and Ephah. They all shall come from Sheba; They shall bear gold and frankincense, And shall herald the glories of Hashem. Isaiah 60:4-6 “By virtue of this, we are certain that you will choose peaceful means and avoid all paths to hostility and violence. And we are sure that together we shall open doors to love and respect.”
The letter was signed by 23 respected Rabbis who have received smicha (Rabbinic ordination) for the purpose of re-establishing the Sanhedrin.
The rabbis are in the process of acquiring signatures of the full quorum of 71, after which they will send the letter to major Arab institutions and leaders. They hope to hold a conference with Arabs. Rabbi Yeshayahu Hollander, a member of the Sanhedrin who signed the letter, felt it will serve to be an important bridge to the other nations. “The Jews are commanded to be a nation of priests,” Rabbi Hollander told Breaking Israel News, citing a verse in Exodus. But you shall be to Me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.’ These are the words that you shall speak to the children of Yisrael.” Exodus 19:6 “We are to be of service to the whole world in connecting to Hashem,” Rabbi Hollander continued. “This is our purpose in life as Jews. The Sanhedrin is inviting them to benefit from this since the Temple is good for the whole world. This universal aspect is essential to what the Temple is; a house for all nations.” I will bring them to My sacred mount And let them rejoice in My house of prayer. Their burnt offerings and sacrifices Shall be welcome on My mizbayach; For My House shall be called A house of prayer for all peoples.” Isaiah 56:7 “Of course, for us to serve, the other people need to cooperate,” Rabbi Hollander added. Rabbi Aharon Yitzchak Shtern, a member of the Sanhedrin who is prominent in the Haredi (Ultra-Orthodox) community, believes the time for such a declaration including the Arabs in the Third Temple is at hand. “This is precisely what it seems to be: a simple move towards true peace, ” Rabbi Shtern told Breaking Israel News. “Geula (redemption) is very near. It can either come in war and hardship, or it can come in peace and mercy. We are inviting the B’nei Yishmael to choose peace and godliness.” The rabbi explained that should the quoted Rabbi Elijah ben Solomon Zalman, a foremost Jewish authority from the 18th century known as the “Vilna Gaon.” “If a single sacrifice is brought in the Third Temple,” Rabbi Shtern said, quoting the Vilna Gaon. “The shofar announcing the Messiah will already start to blow.” “Until now, there has not been a place for Jews to have peace, for non-Jews among themselves to have peace,” Rabbi Shtern said. “Every religion has a belief in moshiach (Messiah), in an end to one reality and the beginning of a new reality. In this new reality, every person, every religion, has their place and their purpose. Rabbi Hillel Weiss, spokesman of the Sanhedrin, explained that motives that led to the Sanhedrin writing the letter.
“The letter is not asking for monetary support,” Rabbi Weiss stressed to Breaking Israel News.
“The Sanhedrin is not asking for permission from foreign governments or from the Israeli government. Building the Temple is not political or legal. It is a mitzvah (Torah commandment) incumbent upon the Jews.” Rabbi Weiss noted that the invitation was not a political maneuver or even a religious imperative. “The letter does not reach out to other religions because of their belief but rather because of their ancestral role as the Children of Esau and the Children of Ishmael,” Rabbi Weiss said. “We are asking them to be prepared to take their part in serving God.” See a model of the temple. Photo:
Jewish-Christian Relations Today Jews and Christians have had a complicated and tense relationship, relations today are better than ever. writen by Michael Kress, and posted on JEWISH LEARNING website … The latter half of the 20th century saw a wholesale re-evaluation of the Christian attitude toward Jews and Judaism, revolutionizing relations between the two religions. Brought on by the horrors of the Holocaust and the embrace of pluralism and diversity as positive values, Christian theologians have repudiated or reinterpreted age-old beliefs that led to antiJewish violence throughout the centuries. While differences between the two faith communities still exist, for the first time in history Jews today have a reasonable expectation that these differences will be addressed through interfaith dialogue rather than the violence of the past. The state of Jewish-Christian relations varies from group to group, but some general trends do emerge from examining the ways that Jews and Christians interact today: – The Holocaust profoundly affected the ways that Christians from across the theological spectrum think about and interact with Jews. After World War II, Christians were forced to confront their religion’s role in helping make possible the demonization of Jews to such a great degree that slaughtering Jews en-masse could take place. Anti-Jewish theology, which had for two millennia pervaded Christian thought, has been largely eliminated, such as the belief that Jews are responsible for the death of Jesus (known as deicide). In addition, the role of Christian rescuers–people whose faith led them to risk their lives by hiding or otherwise saving Jews–provides a meaningful link between Jews and Christians. However, the role of Christians and Christianity in perpetuating the Holocaust remains a point of contention between the two religions. Israel — specifically, different Christian groups’ stances toward the Jewish state and its policies — is a major factor in interfaith relations. This is straining old friendships between Jews and liberal Christians while drawing Jews closer to conservative Christians with whom they have historically been at odds. – As Jews and Christians intermarry with increasing frequency, especially in the United States, families are becoming more familiar with the religions to which their relatives adhere. Although intermarriage produces tensions and conflicts, anecdotal evidence suggests it also produces learning opportunities: When Christians join Jewish families, they get to know Jewish people and Judaism in a more personal way that often helps shatter stereotypes or anti- Jewish feelings they may have had. Jews, of course, have the same experience vis-à-vis their new Christian families. – Christians in recent years have become increasingly interested in exploring the life of Jesus, which has led many Christians to a more profound and heartfelt respect for the religion of Jesus, Judaism. Learning about Jesus, for many Christians, inherently involves learning about Judaism, for Jesus was a practicing Jew. Christian theologians today tend to emphasize the close relationship between Judaism and Christianity. The centuries-old belief in supercessionism–that Christianity superceded, or replaced, Judaism–has been rejected by theologians from across the Christian spectrum . Jews, for their part, have not ignored the changes in Christianity. In 2000, a transdenominational group of Jewish rabbinic and academic leaders issued a statement called Dabru Emet, “Speak the Truth.” In it, they acknowledged the efforts of Christians to improve interfaith relations and called on Jews to learn about and likewise affirm the positive changes. The statement listed eight points on which Jews and Christians could base dialogue, including “Jews and Christians worship the same God,” and “a new relationship between Jews and Christians will not weaken Jewish practice.” Tellingly, though, it was a statement about the Holocaust that generated the most controversy from the Jewish community: “Nazism was not a Christian phenomenon.” Catholic-Jewish Relations Among the many changes instituted in Catholicism as part of the monumental Second Vatican Council in the 1960s was the declaration Nostra Aetate (“In Our Time”), which formally rejects the charge of deicide, “decries hatred, persecution, displays of anti-Semitism directed against Jews at any time and by any one,” and calls for “mutual respect and knowledge” between Catholics and Jews. It was, however, John Paul II’s papacy that redefined the relationship between Catholics and Jews. John Paul II (who was elected pontiff in 1978) became the first pope since ancient times to visit a synagogue; established diplomatic relations between the Vatican and Israel; visited Israel in 2000; and issued a sweeping apology for past Church “sins.” He has spoken often of the kinship he sees between the two religions, saying that without Judaism, Christianity could not have come into being. Many lingering Catholic-Jewish tensions revolve around the Holocaust. In his apology, many Jews were upset that the pope failed to mention the Holocaust specifically. The pope also has taken steps to make the wartime Pope Pius XII into a saint; many Jewish leaders and scholars believe Pius XII could have– but chose not to–do much more to save Jews and stop the genocide. Sainthood has also been a point of tension in other cases. In one instance the pope named as saint Edith Stein, a Jewish convert who died in the Holocaust, angering Jews who felt that Stein died because she was a Jew, not a Catholic Tension also centers around the limited access Jewish leaders and scholars have had to Vatican archives which may contain records shedding light on the Church’s role in the Holocaust. Jewish leaders and scholars are seeking permission to delve into the vast Vatican archives to shed light on the Church’s role in the Holocaust and more generally in Jewish-Catholic relations throughout the centuries. The Vatican has resisted such broad access to its historical records, but negotiations are continuing. Mainline Protestants and Jews For much of the 20th century, Jewish-Christian relations in the United States were defined mostly as the growing affinity between Reform Jews and liberal “mainline” Protestants, which includes, among others, Presbyterians and Episcopalians. Mainline Protestants and liberal Jews alike adhered to liberal religious, social, and political values and embraced modernist belief in human progress. Closer relations with Jews were part of mainline Protestants’ growing acceptance of what would later be known as “multiculturalism” and their redefinition of America as a more than just a Christian nation. The relationship between mainline Protestants and liberal Jews remains strong today, especially when it comes to domestic political lobbying and social action issues. But in recent years, the ties have been strained over the issue of Israel. Liberal Protestants tend to condemn Israel’s policies toward the Palestinians; though they also condemn terrorism, many Jews feel that Protestant critics of Israel do not understand or sympathize with the big-picture political issues or the suffering of Israeli civilians. Protestant opposition to Israeli policies has been especially sharp in Europe, where there is greater support for movements seen as anti-colonial, including the Palestinian cause. Evangelical Protestants Over the last two decades of the 20th century, conservative Protestants became the culturally and politically dominant force in American Protestantism. It is with these evangelicals that today’s Jews have the most complicated and surprising relationship. There are sharp points of disagreement between Jews and conservative Christians. Though evangelical theologians have rejected deicide and supercessionism charges, long-held beliefs die hard, and the writings of theologians don’t always trickle down to the pews, leading to occasional conflicts. In one period of 2001, the issue was repeatedly in the news when various public personalities were denounced by Jewish leaders for anti- Jewish statements; among those in the midst of the furor were a basketball player and a comic-strip creator, neither of them, of course, theologians or spokespeople for Christianity. Evangelicals’ belief that Christ provides the only way to salvation leads to what is perhaps the sharpest and most emotional wedge between them and Jews: proselytism. In the 1990s, tensions flared between Jews and Southern Baptists–the largest Protestant denomination in the United States–when the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) announced plans for renewed evangelism of Jews. The SBC later issued a booklet with advice on proselytizing to Jews during the High Holiday period. Organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League denounced the booklet and the idea that any religion can have a monopoly on truth and salvation More troublesome to many Jews is the growth of so-called Messianic Jewish communities. Messianic Jews observe Jewish customs and rituals but believe in “Yeshua” (Jesus) as the Messiah, a belief anathema to mainstream Judaism. Most Jews do not consider Messianic Jews to be Jewish, while the evangelical world embraces them, often referring to them as Jewish Christians. The establishment of Messianic synagogues/churches in heavily Jewish cities and neighborhoods, such as Brooklyn, N.Y., and those groups’ proselytism directly to Jews has inflamed tensions. However, despite strains like these, evangelicals and Jews have forged an alliance over the issue of Israel. Because of their theological beliefs and conservative political leanings, evangelicals are strongly and vocally supportive of Israel, and are in many cases more hawkish than American Jewish Zionists. In evangelical eschatological theology, Jews are to establish a Jewish state in Israel as a precursor to the end-times; those Jews will then convert to Christianity, though that eventuality is less remarked upon publicly by Jews or Christians. Given evangelicals’ power within the Republican party and flagging support for Israel among political and religious liberals, conservative Christians’ support for the Jewish state has proven valuable to the American-Israeli alliance. In addition, as Orthodox Jewish institutions increasingly emphasize political lobbying and other public roles, they often find themselves in synch with evangelical Christians on other political and social issues as well. The Future None of the issues that have separated Jews and Christians have disappeared entirely; change is evolutionary, especially when dealing with age-old religious beliefs. But the changes in the Jewish-Christian relationship since the postwar years bode well for a future in which these religious “cousins” can live together peacefully, with a level of mutual respect unknown until now.      

6 unbelievably good reasons to read your Bible

Why you should pick up your Bible today. Written by Nellie Owens posted on ActiveChristianity. There is a tremendous power available to us in God’s Word. Do you make use of this power in your life? Do you read the Bible – God’s Word? Here are 6 reasons you should pick up your Bible today.

1. Read the Bible: It contains God’s will for our lives

“What is God’s will for my life?” There is no Bible verse that explicitly tells us what profession to pursue, where to live or whom to marry. But, nonetheless, the Bible’s exhortations, guidelines, commandments and encouragement give us very concrete and infallible insight into God’s will for us in every aspect of life. Paul writes that “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God …” 2 Timothy 3:16. In some translations it even says that Scripture is God-breathed. Have you ever thought about this? The Bible is inspired by God Himself! It is His Word, containing His wisdom, His goodness, His intentions, His judgements, His heart. Have you been so interested in understanding God’s will that you spend time with His very own Word?

2. Read the Bible: It is our nourishment

Imagine that you go a day without eating anything. Then a week. And a month. As time goes on, you become weaker and weaker. Our bodies need nourishment to live. And it’s the same in our spiritual lives. It is through our spirit we can have contact with God. Our spirit is what will enter eternity and it needs nourishment to be alive and awake to the will of God. Jesus said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.’” Matthew 4:4. He also says, “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life.” John 6:63. If we want to gain life and nourishment for our spirit, it is essential that we spend time with God’s Word. God’s Word is a source of life! It contains infinite help and wisdom. And, when it is read and obeyed in a spirit of faith, it leads us to unimaginable spiritual growth.

3. Read the Bible: It gives us discernment

The author of Hebrews writes, “For the Word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” Hebrews 4:12. As human beings, it is natural to seek our own (Philippians 2:21), so it isn’t easy for us to discern between good and bad. Our natural judgments are often tainted by own personal opinions, emotions and experiences that go against God’s good and perfect will. But, God’s Word cuts through all of this; it separates out all self-seeking in our lives and determines what is truth and righteousness. “‘Is not My word like a fire?’ says the Lord, ‘And like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?’”Jeremiah 23:29. God’s Word is powerful; it is full of authority. It is a holy two-edged sword that divides between our will and the will of God, a fire that consumes impurity and a hammer that has power to demolish all innate sin! Don’t you desire to make use of this Word in your own life?

4. Read the Bible: It instructs us in righteousness

“How can a young man cleanse his way?” David asked. “By taking heed according to Your word.” Psalm 119:9. “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17. The Bible contains all the instruction that we need to come to a life of true purity and righteousness. It teaches us how we can follow Christ in truth. It contains words and examples from heroes of faith, prophets, apostles, Jesus Christ and God Himself! What better teaching, what better instruction is there for those who want to live a life that is well-pleasing to God our Creator?

5. Read the Bible: It contains power to overcome

After we have made the firm decision to serve God wholeheartedly and refrain from sinning against Him, we will still experience temptation in our lives. James says that we are tempted when we are drawn away and enticed by our own lusts and desires. (James 1:14) It’s clear from Scripture that Satan makes use of these natural lusts and desires. He tries to get us to disobey God’s will, by offering things that appeal to us naturally: honour, riches or self-satisfaction. He even tempted Jesus, trying to get Him to give into egotism, pride and self-seeking. But, for each temptation Jesus faced, He had a counterattack. And every single counterattack involved God’s Word. “Jesus said to him, ‘It is written again, “You shall not tempt the Lord your God.”’” And further, He says, “Away with you, Satan! For it is written ‘You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve.’” Matthew 4:1-11. Do you also have a counterattack for every temptation that you face in life? Do you fill yourself with God’s Holy Word? Paul writes, “And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God …” Ephesians 6:17. The Bible, God’s Word, is a weapon. It is a sword that gives us power and authority to overcome in the midst of temptation. Why not pick up this sword today?

6. Read the Bible: It is full of God’s promises

And finally, not least of all, the Bible is full of extraordinary promises. It speaks of the all things that belong to the God-fearing! “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the Paradise of God.” Revelation 2:7. There are an almost infinite number of promises made to those who live according to God’s will. Are you livingly interested in these precious promises? Do you want to see what God does, and will do, for those who live according to His will? Then, by all means, pick up your Bible! It will tell you of all the promises that can be yours, both in this life and in eternity, if you do the will of God. Why not read your Bible today? You may be interested in reading more articles about the riches we obtain when read the Bible. Take a look at our theme page “What does the Bible say?” Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.  
Posted on foxnews… Pastor Robert Jeffress is speaking out about the importance of hope and faith in the wake of the deadly church shooting in Texas. At least 26 people were killed and approximately 20 more were wounded after a gunman opened fire at the First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs on Sunday. “When we find ourselves in a situation where we cannot reconcile our faith in God with our circumstances, we have a choice,” Jeffress said on “Fox & Friends.”
“We can either give up our faith in God. Or we can keep trusting God even in the darkness.”
To anyone whose faith has been shaken by Sunday’s tragedy, Jeffress said he would remind them that good will always triumph over evil. “Evil is real, it’s painful, the Bible never diminishes that. But faith means believing that one day, God is going to overcome evil,” Jeffress said. As for questions about increasing security at houses of worship, he said this is a wake-up call. “This is the world we’re living in. We need to do everything we can to keep our parishioners safe. But overall, we can’t be paralyzed by fear.”