About Us


  1. Bible Teachers who provide updates on the building of the Third Temple in Jerusalem and explore what happened during the First and Second Temple so we can understand what’s about to happen during the Third Temple.
  2. Christians and Jews who plea for peace, unity, and justice for all, inspired by Isaiah 58.
  3. Polemicists and apologists called to return people to the true and living God of Israel, like the days of Isaiah, which includes God telling us to please warn My people about the foolish leaders who lead them astray. And don’t be like the Watchmen, who were dumb dogs that did not bark when they saw the enemy within the Temple. (Isaiah 56:10-12)
  4. Fact-checkers committed to preserving our historical narratives, including Yad Vashem’s Holocaust and Christian Church History.
  5. Researchers highlight distinctions between Judeo-Gentile Christians vs. Roman Catholic Christians and Ecumenical Christians, recognizing one is Israel’s friend, while the other is her enemy.
  6. Messengers, leaders, and Men of God who desire the salvation of all humanity as outlined in the Holy Scriptures. Like Judas and Silas, whom the Jerusalem Council sent to encourage and strengthen those turning to God. (Act 15:32)
  7. A Non-profit research and educational organization that helps Jews and Christians who are being persecuted or deceived around the world.


  • Is to Unite Christians and Jews worldwide, that all the earth may know that there is a Great God in Israel who hears our prayers.

    “For what great nation is there that has God so near to it, as the Lord our God is to us, for whatever reason we may call upon Him? 8 And what great nation is there that has such statutes and righteous judgments as are in all this law which I set before you this day? Deuteronomy 4:7-8

  • Give Hope when there’s darkness, be a light to the world, so the Truth will set them Free… including the Gentiles.
  • Turn people back to the true God of Israel, in a discouraging world, not sure who to believe or which God to believe in…
  • Revive backsliders who have a humble and contrite (crushed) spirit.
  • Help the discouraged who saw a Fake TV evangelist or read church history who misrepresented Christianity… We pray that you don’t forget there are more good people than bad. The Bible warned us, you will know them by their fruits, it’s their evil job to make your heart grow cold, so I remind you not to listen to them… Study the word of God, so this doesn’t happen again.
  • Expose false Teachers who wish to distort or misrepresent the Jewish and Christian religion or history
  • Inspire people to be strong and trust in the LORD God of Israel to help you in any situation…
  • Share the Word of God, that Empowers and Shakes people’s lives…
  • Provide information that makes a difference in the world…
  • Inform you of Current Events and the Last Days…
  • Prepare you, for when you meet God or if the Day of the LORD comes first…


  • Why are we doing this? Because we love the LORD God of Israel and His Son Jesus the Christ and for all, He’s did for us… and we want to share the hope we have…the Bible says He will never leave you nor forsake you. Deuteronomy 31:6, Psalm 23, 91, Hebrew 13:1-6
  • Read my History…(that I’m working on, then you will know why)


It has a strong message about protecting God’s people, a vision God gave me when searching for the truth.

  • The Menorah  me-no-ra  מנורה  is the light stand that stood in the Temple,
  • It’s a Holy symbol for both Jews and Christians. It reminds us, that God is with us as a Light to the world.
  • God instructed Moses to make a seven-branched candelabrum to provided light in the Temple.
  •  It’s the Emblem of Israel since it was founded in 1948, surrounded by olive branches.
  • The shield is a symbol of protection;
  • It reminds us that the LORD God is our shield, strength and gives us hope, and we could call Him in a time of trouble.
  • The Lion  ar-ye  אריה is a symbol of power, strength, courage, and protection.
  • The lions are protecting and honoring the Menorah, the light of the world.
  • It’s the symbol of the tribe Judah, one of the twelve of Israel.
  • Judah was as guardians of the menorah, Temple, and Jewish holy places.
  • Jewish scripture says the Messiah will come from the tribe of Judah and bring peace to the world. Genesis 49:8-12
  • Christian scripture says Jesus is the Lion from the tribe of Judah, that prevailed to open the seven-sealed scroll and will bring peace after He judges the world. Revelation 5:5.
  • It’s depicted on the coat of arms and flag of Jerusalem, and on one of the entrance walls, called THE LION GATE.
  • The Banner is a sign showing UCJ blowing the trumpets,
  • Warning both Jews and Christians, to be careful because the enemy is among us, trying to turn us away from the LORD God of Israel…


About the founder Jose Oscar Salinas of UCJ ministries

In 2003 and 2006, I spent eight months in Jerusalem, searching for truth. I realizing people don’t know what the Bible says, that happened in the first and second temples. Especially what’s about to happen when they build the Third Temple. And God gave a verse in my dreams, Isaiah 6:8

I Heard the Voice of the Lord, Saying:

Whom Shall I Send…? And who will go for Us?

Then I said… “Here am I, Send Me”…

I sold my business and promised God to help the Jewish people searching for the Messiah, and decern between true Christians who are willing to stand with them, while false Christians want to deceive them. By setting up an image inside the third coming temple. I encourage them to build it, and let’s see the Glory of the LORD, protect them because scripture says the Revived Roman Empire will attack them in the last days. Yet, the book of Haggai 2: give them hope by saying, there will be peace in this place if they consider their ways and trust in Israel’s true living God. And He will send His Christ (Jesus) to deliver them from their enemies. Then they will believe God sent him.

Jose Oscar Salinas Jr.

Polemicist, Apologist,

Bible Teacher, Sephardic Jew, Judeo- Christian

and Founder of UCJ

I will help both Judeo & Gentile Christians stand fast in the word of God of Israel and expose the false Christians who are planning to deceive them in the Last days.

I will help the righteous Jews who are loyal to God, searching for the Messiah. And not allow false Christians to deceive them.


  • Associate degree Biblical theology at Calvary Chapel C. M., CA. 7- yrs.
  • Completed 2 semesters (8 mo.) in Jerusalem.
  • Visited most archaeology sites in Israel.
  • Research books at the Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion library.
  • Compared books at the library of Tantur ecumenical institute for theological studies.
  • Read books 20 yrs. on theology, eschatology, church- world- temple history.
  • Traveled 10- countries; significant museums, basilicas, libraries searching for the truth.
  • Military honorable discharge, Army National Guard 11B, 63F recovery specialist 6-yrs.
  • Contractor, CEO, Sales, P.M 30 yrs. (exp. 40 yrs. Signs, lighting, Electrical)

Biblical Studies

  • Re-arranged the entire Bible back to its historical chronological order while searching for the truth. 1: To understand God’s His-story in a simple way. 2: What happened in the 1st & 2nd temple, and what’s about to happen in the 3rd Temple. 3: What did the prophets and Jesus say about the last days? Especially regarding the rapture doctrine that causes so much division in the Church. Is it Pre-Tribulation or Pre- Wrath? They both cannot be right. So, Jose created a timeline wall chart with all the prophets to confirm the truth and end division.
  • Currently looking for a Bible publisher to publish his chronological Bible in its original layout. So, everyone could understand it in 4 to 12 months.
  • Figured out how the Book of Daniel & Revelation align together side-by-side.
  • Deciphered the book of Revelation, reading it in its original scroll layout, an 8-column parallel view. Similar to the dead sea scrolls, a side-by-side view.
  • Solved the book of Revelation chapter13: name all the five descriptions of the beast: the 1st beast, the 2nd beast, the image of the beast, the mark of the beast, the name of the beast)
  • Created wallcharts and bookmarkers to support the authenticity of the Bible. That no one could ever question when reading it in its historical format.
  • Bilingual; he also speaks Spanish (but not perfect, yet enough to give a message of warning & hope).
  • Preparing YOUTUBE video’s for March 2021. He plans on sending them around the world in the hope of reaching millions/ billions of people so he could get invited to Churches, conferences and debates.

Business Experience

  • Shares about the business he sold because he doesn’t have a Ph.D., and some question his credentials. But could prove he’s a critical thinker and a responsible person. Check out their website; they show me as the founder of the company. www.psserv.com
  • Owned a company for almost 30 years; created all the department operating manuals, estimating programs, and worksheets. His title was CEO, senior estimator, PM, who managed some of the biggest projects in Los Angeles, CA.
  • Serviced the tallest skyscrapers signs in California using 300ft heavy-duty cranes or stages or rappelled off buildings.
  • The US Bank Tower, which is standing 73 Stories tall. The Big “A” at angel stadium standing 250ft. The crystal cathedral in Garden Grove, CA. 90ft cross standing on a 13-tower building.
  • Also installed the Lion King neon sign, 80ft tall, standing on the Pantages 12-stories building.
  • Plus, Stadiums signs and much more. He trusted and called on God whenever he needed wisdom or help, Deuteronomy 4:7-8 or he was a Philippian 4:13 believer “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” But sold it, to follow his dreams to serve God and His Son Jesus in a powerful way.


Some dream and do nothing, while others pray and test God if they might come true. I am preparing to travel the world….

  • Give a presentation about the three Temples in Jerusalem.
  • How to unite Christians and Jews before they build the third Temple.
  • How to read and understand the entire Bible in Chronological order.
  • How to understand the Book of Revelation in its original scroll view.
  • Believes God has called him not to be governed or supported by only one organization. So, he could reach all groups who believe in the LORD God of Israel and Jesus His Son, the Christ.
  • Main calling is to protect the Church and turn people back to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the True and Living God of Israel.
  • Expose false teachers who have crept into our churches and synagogues, discouraging or turning people away. Teaching it’s ok to accept the mark of the Roman beast-kingdomm or worship the image of abomination. [the queen of heaven]
  • Encourage everyone to review his Bible that he rearranged in its historical, chronological order. Twenty years in the making and hopes to be ready by 2022-23
  • Ask people to invite him to give a presentation or set up an outright debate on who’s telling the truth.

My Solemn Prayer,

O’LORD God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Let it be known this day that You are our LORD God, the God of Israel for both Jews and Christians. and I am one of Your servants who wish to teach the truth. And that You have called me to help turn their hearts back to You again, By teaching the truth and exposing false teachers before the Great and Awesome Day of the LORD. Come quickly LORD, and thank You for sending Jesus to remind us that you alone are God, and Jesus is your Son who shall rule and teach us Your ways, in Your Everlasting Kingdom, and you will dwell in the midst. We’re Ready for You…